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Deepti Dogra

Who is the Doctor for Men?

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

When asked who a doctor for a woman is, the response will come in as a gynaecologist, however when asked ‘Who is the Doctor for Men’, the responses are confused and sometimes just plain silence. Let’s break it.

Let’s talk. With our societies telling men to ‘man up’ and be strong, many men become more and more silent and think of expressing and being vulnerable as the sign of weakness. This includes talking about their health. Many men would prefer to just go to a general physician for all their health needs. But is that helpful? The question that arises is who is the doctor for men, who can men talk to about their private concerns?

Seeking a general physician for cuts and wounds is the right decision for a man. However, when it comes to his urinary system, going to a general physician will not give you, a man, all the answers that you might be seeking. This is when a Urologist comes into the picture and he is the one who will be able to help you out in the right manner.

Although, understanding what urology is, what a urologist does and how he can help you out becomes imminent. So, here goes nothing:

What is Urology

Doctor for men performing surgery.

In very scientific terms, Urology is a part of medicine that deals with diseases of the men’s urinary system such as kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. In very common man terms, Urology deals with anything and everything that you might not be so open to talk to a general physician or anyone that you are not comfortable around.

At this time it is also important to note that it also deals with the men’s reproductive system, such as penis, testes, scrotum and prostate. Sexual health problems in any man can lead to a lot of stress and chaos in his life. Health issues in these body parts can happen to any man and that is why urology is essential.

Dr Raman Tanwar, a Urologist at Jyoti Hospital and Urocentre in Gurgaon says, “Urology is a super specialty branch of surgery that deals with problems of the urinary system of both men and women and the genital system of men. These commonly include issues related to kidney and kidney stones, prostate, sexual problems of men and cancers of the kidney, bladder, penis, testis and prostate.”

In men, urology health problems can begin at an early age as testicular cancer is most common in male teens and young adults. Along with that, urology helps men in reproduction as well. Some of the health issues in men that urology deals with are:

  1. Conditions of the testes

  2. Low testosterone and hormone deficiencies that are unique to men

  3. Male infertility

  4. Premature ejaculation

  5. Conditions of the penis

  6. Penile cancer

  7. Testicular cancer

  8. Prostate cancer

  9. Erectile dysfunction

  10. Elevated PSA

  11. Enlarged prostate

  12. Frequent trips to the restroom at night

  13. Overactive bladder

  14. Chronic pelvic pain

  15. Inflammation of the prostate

  16. Vasectomy

  17. Vasectomy reversal

Urology is required to help you out when you are dealing with health issues regarding your urinary system or reproductive system. As men have no one to go to when it comes to their sexual health, they can befriend a urologist who is the doctor for men in this case and get to the bottom of the problem that they are dealing with.

Who is a Urologist

Doctor for men in the hospital.

The next step in the process of understanding the different situations a man might go through and how the field of Urology could be helpful to him is to understand who a Urologist is. A Urologist can become your BFF if you can clearly understand his importance in your life.

Urologists are actually just doctors with an expertise in the treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the urinary system, such as the bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra, and adrenal glands. In men, they treat all illnesses related to the penis, prostate as well as the testes.

They can also perform surgeries if required to remove a blockage or cancer in the urinary tract. Men mostly consult them for erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate gland, prostate cancer as well as testicular cancer.

Dr Tanwar says, “A urologist is a surgeon who has undertaken special training in urology and deals exclusively with surgical diseases of the genito-urinary system only. A urologist may sub specialise into various domains like Oncology, Endourology, Paediatric Urology and others. Kidney transplantation is also another important field of urology.”

A urologist can be called the doctor for men who diagnoses as well as treats the disease in men’s urinary tract along with the reproductive tract. The urinary tract is the system that develops, stores as well as removes urine from a man’s body. This system includes body parts such as, kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra as well as adrenal glands. When it comes to treating a man’s reproductive system, a urologist is concerned with body parts like penis, prostate and testicles.

And to add it is of utter importance that you are honest and open with your urologist, sharing your problems without a tinge of shame or guilt.

When Should You See a Urologist

Let’s be honest, even men are quite aware of the scenes that we all see everyday where another man very matter of factly just scratches his crotch in public. Although, imagine if that itching is not just the normal itch due to sweat but is something serious with an underlying condition. So, exactly when should you see a Urologist?

There are a lot of reasons why and when a man should consult a urologist. Some of the most common ones are:

  1. Trouble in urination, pain during urination, cloudy urine or blood in the urine.

  2. Urinating frequently or changes in urination.

  3. Trouble in getting or keeping an erection.

  4. Infertility.

  5. Pelvic pain.

  6. Leakage of urine.

  7. Painful bladder syndrome.

  8. Kidney stones.

  9. Kidney diseases.

  10. Inflammation of the prostate gland.

  11. Urinary tract infections.

  12. Cancers of the bladder, kidneys, penis, testicles, and adrenal and prostate glands.

Some of the symptoms that can tell you that you may need to consult a urologist are blood in the urine, frequent urination or urge to urinate, pain in your lower back, pelvis or sides, pain or burning during urination, trouble in urinating, urine leakage as well as weak urine flow.

According to Dr Tanwar, “If you believe that you are having trouble urinating, see blood in your urine, have cloudy urine, or always feel the urge to go to the washroom, you must consult a urologist as soon as possible.”

What to Expect When You See a Urologist

Now when you have finally decided to give the urologist a visit, but are now very unsure of what it is that he might be expecting and are now coming up with some very visualised and graphic imagination, I urge you to slow down and take a beat.

It is actually very simple and systematic, when you go to consult a urologist, he will ask you to get a variety of tests done to find out the exact health issue. These can be imaging tests, such as a CT scan, MRI test, an ultrasound to locate the issue as well as a urine test to check for bacteria and other diseases. These tests are quite easy to get done and will surely find out your health issue, no matter what it is. All you have to do is go to a diagnostics lab to get them done.

Fret not, it might not be so serious. However, if the issue turns out to be serious, he may perform a biopsy, which is usually done to check for cancers and other health problems. He will also ask you about your medical history as well as conduct a physical examination.


If you are a man who is going through health issues such as trouble in urinating, trouble in getting an erection or urine leakage, seeking your family doctor is not the right option for you. A urologist is the best doctor for men to consult if you are going through any of the above symptoms. He will be able to treat you better and if you see him at an early stage, you will be able to treat your health issue much earlier.

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