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Top Myths about Penile Health

Penis is the hot topic of sex in men. Both men and women adore it, yet have different myths surrounding it. From their teenage days, they are forced to believe certain myths about penile health and size. This can affect the life and mentality of different men. Some are drowned into depression and lack of confidence in their sexual life.

Different kinds of mental illness develop among men due to issues with penis and penile health. Penis size and erectile dysfunction are one of the most talked about topics in this case. The penis is like your secret pet: you love it but can't talk about it. Don't worry we got you covered.

This article covers various issues and myths about penis and penile health.

Also few issues like erection, standard size, and whatnot. They are re-evaluated and debunked. Check them out and get them out of your head. Remember whatever the case may be, if it's not a medical issue, nothing about your penis is bad. There will be people who will love you for your personality and the care you provide, not for your penis size or shape.

Myth: The Penis Can Never Break

No, the penis can break. For a mammal, the penis in man lacks a bone, which is unique. The penis might however still be broken.

Although it has also been observed in patients who fell out of bed while having an erection, doctors report that this happens more frequently during aggressive sex.

The so-called penile fracture is the rupturing of the corpora cavernosa's fibrous covering, which is the tissue that becomes erect when swollen with blood.

A popping or cracking sound, severe pain, swelling, and — unexpectedly — flaccidity are all present at the time of fracture.

Fortunately, it doesn't occur frequently, and if it is treated quickly, full function can be recovered. To be on the safe side, if this occurs to you, resist the need to succumb to shame. As quickly as you can, visit a doctor.

The most "dangerous" position, according to the authors of research that examined 42 occurrences of penile fracture, is "woman on top."

Myth: Penis Size should be Longer than 7 Inches for Sexual Satisfaction in Women

Many guys think that the more manly they are, the more women will be satisfied. They must understand that for the majority of women, penis size is just one factor among several. Penis size might not even be on their list of things to take into account.

In fact, many women associate painful erections with larger penises. A 2014 study of women in a Kenyan tribe found that they would cheat on their well-endowed partners since the pain they experienced during the sexual act hurt them.

Contrarily, a large penis could cause discomfort. There are guidelines on how to date a guy with a huge penis since having a well-endowed penis is not so straightforward.

More planning and attention are required for a huge penis. And this has given rise to the urban slang term "boyfriend penis," which many women use to refer to their preferred penis size. This describes a penis that is not particularly large but is of average length.

A 2001 study on women's satisfaction and penis size shows that your size and her vagina might not always get along well. Size might in fact be a compatibility concern. Generally speaking, the majority of vaginas can support sizes of all lengths and widths.

There are instances in which it can get too large for her, even if the causes are typically correctable. Make sure that none of these factors interfere with your chemistry since she might not be sufficiently aroused or her vagina may be dehydrated.

So, what is the most common penis size? It's really surprising but it is pretty 'small' in comparison to the urban myth. It is 8.8cm or 3.5 inches.

Myth: Penis Should Always Point Forward

This is another issue that men believe and think a lot about it. No, it's not a fact. In reality, it can point in any direction possible with varied levels of availability. It can be straight ahead, right or left, down or up, there is no right direction or wrong direction.

The information below was gleaned from research by a dependable source that counted 1,484 erections.

In the diagrams below, the measurement would be 0 degrees if the penis was pointing straight up, and 90 degrees if it was pointing forward (horizontally):

0-30 Degrees

4.9 % Participants

30-60 Degrees

29.6% Participants

60-85 Degrees

30.9% Participants

85-95 Degrees

9.9% Participants

95-120 Degrees

19.8% Participants

120-180 Degrees

4.9% Participants

Therefore, if anyone is worried that their chap is a little off, they need not worry since they are normal.

Since we're talking about "normal penis," it's important to note that very few penises are straight; they can bend in any way. Still, we can say medically up to a 30-degree curvature is still regarded as healthy.

Myth: Penis Size Always Increases When It is Erect

No, it is not true. Penis size can increase to a varied range of lengths, and might not even grow in length. There is no relationship between the length of a flaccid penis and its erect size, according to 274-participant research. Others are enormous when flaccid and just slightly grow when erect (showers), while some begin little and develop to be large (a grower).

Some remain little regardless of arousal, while others start massive and only become bigger. It's a jumbled bunch.

Even while this might not be particularly important outside of the locker room, it's nonetheless useful to know.

Myth: Erectile Dysfunction is Just a Sexual Health Issue

This is untrue. Erectile dysfunction can occasionally be a symptom of more serious health issues. Today, it is understood that several conditions, including diabetes, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, excessive cholesterol, and heart disease, can lead to erectile dysfunction. Additionally, it may occasionally indicate cardiac problems before other clinical symptoms appear.

So, if you notice erectile dysfunction in your little chap, remember it will not just affect your sexual health, but life as a whole. It might be an early symptom of a greater risk at bay. Contact a medical personnel as soon as you observe this in your body as it might be an early giveaway of darker truths about your health. This is a major myth about penile health and must be shattered with utmost acknowledgment.

Myth: Erection is of Only One Type

No, this is also not true in reality. Men typically have three different types of erections: reflexogenic erections, which are brought on by direct stimulation of the penis, psychogenic erections, which are brought on by visual stimulation (including fantasies involving sex), and sub-conscious erections, which happen while a man is asleep and dreaming.

Other than the reflexogenic erection, all other erections can happen at any moment, even unexpectedly, without any physical contact. However, the most unexpected sort of erection—the fourth—occurs just before death and is sometimes referred to as the "angels' lust" or the "terminal erection."

It has also been observed following deaths from head injuries, damage to significant blood arteries, and poisoning. It occurs most frequently following deaths by hanging (the theory is that it is caused by pressure on the cerebellum).

Myth: Men Have Complete Control Over Ejaculation and It is Related to Sexual Satisfaction

The opposite of it is true. Men neither have voluntary control over ejaculation nor is it a sign of sexual satisfaction. Men can ejaculate even if they don't want it or are even aware of it. They can also pass semen without any sexual stimulation and at any time during sexual intercourse. Ejaculation doesn't even demarcate the end of erection or coitus. You can always go for another round.

Due in large part to the fact that the ejaculation process does not employ the brain, most men have very little control over the precise time of ejaculation. This does not imply that the brain is completely unaffected since we are all aware of how easily a particular concept, which originates in the mind, may support circumstances and postpone ejaculation. However, typically, a spinal cord neural area that coordinates and controls the pertinent sexual functions is where the neural signal for ejaculation originates.

Myth: The Longer The Erection The Better It Is

The truth is, the duration of sexual activity or the amount of time a penis should be erect are not universally prescribed times. An average erection typically lasts between a few minutes to about 30 minutes. Due to the numerous variables that might impact erection time, this can, however, vary greatly.

It's also important to remember that orgasm can occur without an erection.

People may be concerned that they fall on either extreme of the range and that the duration of their erection is either excessive or inadequate.

An individual could occasionally struggle to achieve, sustain, or keep a hard erection long enough for satisfying sex. Premature ejaculation (PE) and ED are conditions that can be caused by physical or psychological reasons.

Other times, a person may have priapism, which is defined as a persistent erection that is unrelated to sexual activity or interest. Due to the possibility of long-term tissue damage, priapism can be a dangerous disorder brought on by medications, narcotics, and injuries.


Don't get swayed by things that you read on the internet that have no convincing scientific evidence behind them. Men are not all about their penises. Your penis does not determine how good a man you are. It is how you live your life. It is how you care for those close to you and how you can sacrifice everything for them. Being sexually healthy and active is just a part of a healthy lifestyle not all about it.

If your partner threatens to break up due to your penis size, maybe it's time to reconsider your partner's choice not size. Find someone who sees you beyond just your penis. Live happily and live freely. Worry only if it seems like a medical issue and contact a doctor.

Written By - Indranil Mukherjee

Edited By - Bhagwat Jha

© 2023. Best for Him

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