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6 Helpful Tips for Men to Reduce Masturbating

Masturbation is a quite common self-pleasure activity. And it is among the best ways to explore one's body and set comfortable boundaries. Also, it is a great stress buster and relieves anxiety.

Although there are many myths surrounding the negatives of masturbation, such as lowered sperm and the risk of prostate cancer, the reality is quite the opposite.

In fact, studies were conducted to understand the relationship between prostate cancer and all forms of ejaculation (partnered sex, nocturnal emissions, and masturbation). They suggest a lowered risk of prostate cancer in men who ejaculated nearly 21 times a month than in those who ejaculated four to ten times a month.

Right now, let's neither dwell on the myths nor be completely focused on the beneficial aspects. In the end, it is your sole decision whether to indulge in masturbation or not.

Rather, in this article, we let you know the signs to check out if you are overdoing it. And a compilation of tips for men to stop masturbating.

Is it Time to Quit/Stop Masturbating?

If you are looking for a perfect digit to limit masturbation, then that's not how it works. It varies for all individuals. But here are signs that can indicate you need to break your habitual cycle:

  • If you notice that you are avoiding your work schedule and outings just to masturbate.

  • If you are neglecting your daily routine.

  • If you are constantly feeling an uncontrolled urge to go for it.

  • Some may experience a sense of guilt that can lead to other issues.

  • If it is impacting your personal relationship.

Tips For Men to Stop Masturbating

  • Be honest with yourself

To deal with issues, it is necessary for us to acknowledge them. And the fact that you are here to look for tips to cut down on masturbation is in itself a great start.

You must understand that patience is a must. Do not pressurize yourself if you fail to control your urge sometimes. Be mindful that you are using your efforts to the best.

  • NO Pornography

Pornography can act as a trigger that ends in masturbation.

Since access to pornography is far easier these days, one may easily slip into distraction. Of course, you have options to add filters that can help you avoid it and similar content.

Although pornography is one of the most inciting agents, it is not the only one. The stimulating elements may vary at the individual level. So, access your personal trigger events. And try to avoid such activities that provoke your reliance on masturbation.

  • Keep your schedule engaged

The main reason behind keeping yourself engaged is to reduce the opportunities to masturbate.

If you have free time, use it for self-help activities. Sign up for reading, painting, or anything that suits your taste. In the end, whatever activity you choose, let it keep you occupied.

  • Self-Care Journey

Refocus on yourself and start your self-care journey. Outline an appropriate diet and exercise routine. Now, this may sound rather disconnected, but exercise does help!

The release of endorphins can greatly lighten your mood. Additionally, it can reduce stress hormones. Since anxiety and stress are a couple of reasons why some choose to masturbate, a planned exercise schedule may greatly benefit them.

  • Professional Help

Due to the stigma associated with masturbation, it can frequently be challenging to locate a secure setting in which to express one's worries.

Knowing that there is nothing to be afraid of can let you approach therapists rather than keep it inside. You will be better able to develop a tactical plan if you seek medical assistance. , which could produce much better outcomes than dealing with oneself.

You can also participate in support groups. Since only those who have experienced it firsthand can understand it fully.

It will undoubtedly give you a solid environment of support. And increase your dedication during the trial phase.

  • Stay with people

Oftentimes, thoughts of masturbation arise when we are alone. Hence, hanging out with people can reduce the chances of creating a sensual environment around you.

Although one can have thoughts about masturbation, it's not possible to act upon them in public space. Thus, it reduces opportunities. Also, being surrounded by people will keep your distractive thoughts away.

A Final Word

Masturbation has no ill effects on the body, regardless of the myths surrounding it. However, if you notice a shift in your schedule oriented towards masturbation and its interference in your life, it is better to limit yourself.

You can start by acknowledging the condition rather than denying it. Next, there are many options available at the personal level, such as a change in daily schedule, a diet plan, and exercising.

Also, you can reach out to support groups or professional therapists.

It's always better to start out slowly toward your goal and learn what suits you during the process. However, remember to be patient with your progress and be kind to yourself!

Article by: Sameena

Edited by: Bhagwat Jha

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