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Khushi Bhardwaj

Reduce The Risk of Gynecomastia: You Can Now Practice These Yoga Asanas

Gynecomastia or pseudo-gynecomastia, in normal terms known as Chest Fat. This is considered as an unusual expansion in breasts in male. It happens when excess amount of fat gets assembled inside your chest, giving men the appearance of Male Breasts.

This enlargement can be a result of growth of breasts tissue because of the hormonal changes, either in estrogen or testosterone.

This is ordinary in new-born babies as after birth estrogen stays inside their bodies for a short span of time. For teenagers, it can be because of changes during puberty as they experience fluctuations in hormones which causes breast tissue to grow. This condition lasts around 6 months to 2 years. As for adults, enlarged breasts are more common for the age of 50 or plus. Their body starts producing less testosterone and they have more body fat which encourages the production of estrogen and causes breasts tissue to grow.

What else can be the causes of Gynecomastia?

  • Too much body fat is obviously one of the important reasons to cause breast enlargement.

  • It can be caused by conditions like liver or lung cancer, overactive thyroid.

  • Consumption of alcohol and drugs are equally at fault to cause gynecomastia.

  • Kidney failure results in low testosterone levels as it can no longer clean or filter your blood.

How to identify Gynecomastia?

If you notice any changes in your nipples or feel puffiness, swelling, and lumps in your chest, then it can be a sign to consult your doctor.

While touching your chest if you feel any pain or find the surface hard, then it can be because of enlargement of chest gland.

This can lead to further health complications including breast cancer in males. To overcome the risk of Gynecomastia one should practice yoga asanas.

These are the 5 most effective yoga asanas you can practice

  1. Paschimottanasana (The Forward Bend)

Steps to do the forward bend pose:

  • Sit straight, then stretch your legs out in front of you.

  • Inhale. Stretch your arms above your head.

  • Exhale. Bend your trunk forward from the waist.

  • Lower your arms simultaneously and clasp your toes.

  • Bend further to decrease the gap between your chest and thighs.

  • Try to rest your forehead on your legs and maintain the posture for about 30 seconds to a minute while breathing evenly.

  • Inhale. Lift your trunk and raise your arms above your head.

  • Relax your arms and bring them down again.

This asana helps to relieve stress, anxiety, and mild depression side by side improving your physical health.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Steps to perform the cobra pose:

  • Lie flat on your stomach and then place your palms flat on the ground right under your shoulder.

  • Bend your elbows straight back and hug them under your sides.

  • Take a pause while looking straight down at the ground along with your neck in a neutral position.

  • Anchor your pubic bone to the floor, then inhale to lift your chest off the floor.

  • Roll your shoulders back and keep your lower ribs on the floor.

  • Keep your neck neutral. Exhale to release back to the floor.

Bhujangasana is a full body pose that is beneficial for both physical and mental well-being.

3. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Steps to perform fish pose:

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Inhale, lift your pelvis slightly off the floor, then slide your hands down below your buttocks.

  • Rest your buttocks on the backs of your hands. Inhale and then press your forearms and elbows fiercely against the floor.

  • Press your shoulder blades into your back and lift your torso and head away from the floor and then release it back on the floor.

  • Lift your chest while either the back of your head or its crown will rest on the floor.

  • There should be less weight on your head to avoid any pain in your neck.

  • Keep your knees bent or straighten your legs. Stay for 15-30 seconds, breathing neutrally.

  • With an exhalation lower your torso and head to the floor.

This asana enhances breathing, improves posture, reduces fat etc.

4. Ardha Chakrasana (Semi-wheel Pose)

Steps to perform semi-wheel pose:

  • Start off by standing with your feet as wide as your hips.

  • Place your palms on the lower back, fingers pointing up.

  • Inhale. Lengthen the spine and exhale while slowly arching your head and neck back as the chest lifts towards the sky.

  • Breathe while holding onto the pose.

  • Inhale and rise.

This asana helps to reduce shoulder and neck pain. It tones shoulders, waist, stretches the abdomen and intestine muscles.

5. Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)

Steps to perform the bow pose:

  • Lie down on your abdomen and ensure that your forehead is facing the floor while your legs are close to each other.

  • Bend your legs at the knees and bring them up behind the

  • Stretch your arms backwards and hold your ankles. Inhale, then lift your head off the floor and simultaneously lift your thighs upward.

  • Your body should arch upwards. Maintain the posture for about 10 seconds in the beginning.

  • As you continue your practice, increase the timing to a minute.

This asana stretches abdominal muscles, improves the digestion process, improves spinal flexibility.


These are the most effective asanas which not only reduce the risk of Gynecomastia but also improve your physical health in different ways.

Ordinary storage of fat in chest pockets cannot be taken as Gynecomastia, only if you face any pain or lumps in your chest then it can be a symptom.

If the pain worsens, kindly inform your doctor about the symptoms before it can result in further complications. A healthy diet is also a must to avoid the risk of Gynecomastia.

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