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Poha to fill you up

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Indian breakfast that is not only fulfilling but great in taste and easy to make. Make Poha your best friend. by Aakanksha Bajpai

We all remember our mothers whipping up poha and serving it to us in a split of a second, whether it be for breakfast or just as a snack. The dish is generally appreciated by all because of its balanced taste and easy to make process.

It may sound like a lot to do initially, especially when you have to soak the flakes in water. But I assure you that this is way simpler to cook than it sounds. So, why wait, let’s give this tasteful dish a try:


Poha, clean water, onion, green chilli, potato, peanuts, oil, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, turmeric, salt, red chilli powder and lemon.

How to

The very first step to make poha is to clean it thoroughly with water and then drain it completely. Next chop onion, green chilly, potato and lemon. Now heat up your pan with one tablespoon of oil and then fry your peanuts. If you have access to a microwave you can also heat them in it. Once the peanuts are roasted, take them out and use the same pan for the next step. Put one and a half tablespoon of oil and add cumin and mustard seeds. Let them sputter and then add onions and green chillies. Saute them till the onions turn golden and then add potato pieces.

Now cover your pan for some time and let it cook till the potatoes become soft. Next add turmeric, salt, and red chilli powder. Mix them well and then add your poha into the mix. Stir and mix them well and then cover it for a minute. Add roasted peanuts and a pinch of sugar for the taste. Your poha is ready. All you need to do is add lemon from top according to your taste.

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