Peyronie’s disease is known to be a penis or penile disorder, a noncancerous condition in which a fibrous scar tissue develops on the penis and leads to curved as well as painful erections. Although penises range in shapes and size, having a curved erection is not a cause of concern. However, Peyronie’s disease causes a significant bend or pain in some men. Let’s read on to know about this condition in detail.
Getting an erection for sexual activity is quite important for a man in order to indulge in sex. While sexual contact is essential for a relationship, it also provides fun and pleasure to a man. However, when you get a curved and painful erection, you might be dealing with a penile disorder known as Peyronie’s disease. This is a noncancerous condition in which a scar tissue develops on the penis due to which it curves as well as loses length or girth.
In some cases, it can cause pain and prevent the man from having sexual intercourse. During an erection, a man’s penis can bend up, down or to the side according to the location of the scar. Let’s get to know more:
Stages of Peyronie’s Disease

There are two stages of Peyronie’s disease:
Acute phase: This stage lasts between six and 12 months. During this period the scar forms under the skin of your penis, causing a curvature or other change in its shape. You may feel pain when your penis is erect or when it is soft.
Chronic phase: The scar has stopped growing in this phase, so the curvature in the penis doesn’t get worse. The pain will usually be gone by this time, but sometimes it can continue, especially with erections. However, Erectile Dysfunction or problems getting an erection may develop.
Risk Factors of Peyronie’s Disease
There are several risk factors that can increase your chance of getting this disease, such as:
Age: Peyronie’s disease is more likely to occur as you get older.
Genetics: If you have a close relative with the disease, you’re at a higher risk.
Connective tissue disorders: Those with a connective tissue disorder are at a greater risk. Examples of this disorder include Dupuytren’s disease, Plantar Fasciitis and Scleroderma.
Erectile Dysfunction: Men who have diabetes-associated Erectile Dysfunction are four to five times more likely to develop Peyronie’s disease. Sometimes Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by having Peyronie’s disease.
Prostate cancer: Men who have had surgery for prostate cancer are at an increased risk.
Autoimmune disorders: If you have an autoimmune disorder like lupus, you’re more likely to get Peyronie’s disease.
Signs and Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

The primary symptom is the curvature of the penis. You might also feel the scar tissue under the skin of the penis. The other signs or symptoms include:
Your penis is shorter.
Your penis is bent or curved.
There is loss of girth, an indentation or hourglassing of your shaft.
There are lumps in your penis.
Erections are painful.
Erections are soft.
Sex is difficult because of the bend.
Peyronie’s disease can be a problem for a man. It is known to be a couple’s disease as it affects both the partners. In fact, it can lead a man to anxiety as well as depression. However, there are certain treatments that can help him out as well as his relationship.