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Deepti Dogra

How not to be Toxic in a Casual Relationship?

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

So a long term or serious relationship is not your cup of tea and being in a casual relationship is much better for you. You prefer setting your boundaries with your partner, letting them know what you need and what not, while enjoying amazing dates with them as well as a wonderful intimacy. Life seems to be perfect for you when you are in a casual relationship. However, are you being the toxic partner in your relationship? Let’s get to know below!

A casual relationship is anything but serious. It is just a couple enjoying the beauty of the world with each other, without committing to one another. They are just living in the present and enjoying each day as it passes with beautiful dates that just come out of the blue. They might not be ready to say ‘I do’ right now but they are certainly ready to go clubbing with each other or have a night out together.

Even though not everyone prefers a casual relationship, it can be fun for those who are ready to explore the dating pool. However, there can be men who try to be distant in a casual relationship, which turns them toxic as well. Keeping this in mind, we decided to let you know how not to be toxic in a casual relationship! Have a look below.

Don’t Just Ask for Sex

Do not be a toxic man in a casual relationship.

Sure, sex is the fun part of casual dating, however, if you are inviting your partner to the bedroom, everytime you meet them, it might one day upset them. While sex is important in any relationship, the other aspects of it are important as well. Take them out for dates and movies, spend time with them and even though you are in a casual relationship, do let them know that you are there for them.


We understand that you are in a casual relationship and you are not in it to tell your partner when and where you are going to be. However, even though you do not have to share everything about you, do communicate. It could be a few texts in the middle of the day, a call at night or a video call in the morning. Choose your option and go for it. It will make them feel much better and they will believe that they have someone to rely on.

Do Not Suffocate

A casual relationship should not be filled with toxicity.

It often happens in a casual relationship (or even in a serious one) that you end up suffocating the other person without noticing. You could be ordering them and not knowing that it is affecting them in a certain way. Saying things like, ‘Don’t put on so much makeup’, ‘Don’t post so much on Instagram’, ‘Don’t wear that shirt’ or ‘Don’t meet him’ can suffocate your partner. You must let them be and not order around as if you own them.

Highlighting Mistakes

To err is human. You must have made mistakes in your life as well and so can your partner. However, highlighting these mistakes every now and then is a sign of toxicity. Whether they made a mistake at work, in their personal life or in the relationship, it should be forgiven and forgotten. Highlighting them will possibly make them leave you as soon as they realise that you are toxic.


If you are happy and healthy in your casual relationship, it is a great thing, however you must consider your partner’s feelings as well. Being toxic in any kind of relationship will not be taken well by the other person and will in fact affect their mental health. If you want to keep your partner happy, you need to stop being toxic and the above given ways are the best ones to start with. Good Luck!

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