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Sakshi Mathur

Contrary to Popular Belief: Masculinity is Defined by Body Hair

In modern society, the concept of "Women as Image, Man as Bearer of the Look" is obsolete. Society increasingly differentiates between men and women based on their emotional and physical choices, regardless of gender. These days, the rage is to focus on the concept of "Masculinity," which is exclusively associated with men. So, what according to your thoughts, masculinity is? Being aggressive- Having a macho body - a big chest with body hair!

There are many other ways that we all frequently use to define masculinity in addition to these. In layman’s terms, Masculinity can be defined as a combination of qualities, actions, and roles connected to men, and boys are collectively referred to as masculinity in common parlance. It is possible to conceptualize masculinity as a social construction, and there is evidence that certain behaviors that are regarded as being characteristically male are impacted by both biological and cultural influences.

How do we see Masculinity?

Our understanding of what it means to be a man has been formed by a variety of prejudices and cultural expectations for a very long time, and the topic of masculinity has long been a source of debate. The idea that physical characteristics, particularly body hair, have a strong correlation to masculinity is frequently maintained. But it's critical to refute this notion and admit that a guy can be defined by several characteristics that go well beyond his physical appearance. Let's remove the fallacy that body hair is a sign of masculinity and look at the many other traits that true masculinity possesses.

Owning body hair is a choice: Regardless of gender

On our bodies today, from the scalp to the pubic area, there are an estimated five million hair follicles. All of us are born with hair on our bodies. Body hair, also referred to as androgenic hair, is the terminal hair that develops on a person's body during and after puberty. It is different from vellus hair, which is less prominent and is both considerably finer and lighter in colour.

Body hair has long been scrutinized culturally and subject to grooming standards due to the different expectations placed on people based on their gender. But now let's work to push body positivity and advance a more hospitable, inclusive society that values various expressions of beauty and self-acceptance.

Can masculine ideals put men under tremendous pressure?

Many individuals think that the outdated view of masculinity, which was defined as being aggressive, aggressive, protective, attractive, and hypersexual, is still prevalent in society today. Expecting to be the strong protector and provider in a family or relationship is a milder manifestation of this masculinity. This idea causes men to feel tremendous pressure and can harm their mental health in addition to their relationships at work, at home, and with their friends. Consequently, it's critical to embrace yourself and give others the same freedom.

Dispelling Myths and Redefining Masculinity

If we want to create a society that is more inclusive and tolerant, we must challenge and destroy stereotypes that support harmful ideas. By expanding our understanding of what it means to be a man, we can encourage men to embrace their unique qualities regardless of their physical attributes. We need to encourage a society that prioritises empathy, emotional intelligence, and individuality rather than overemphasizing superficial characteristics like body hair. Being a man always offers you the flexibility to choose whether you want to keep all of your body hair or shave it. It is never acceptable to let the idea that body hair denotes masculinity influence your decisions.

Bottom line

Contrary to common opinion, body hair is not the only factor that defines masculinity. This mistaken notion obscures the rich diversity and complexity of masculine identities, perpetuating harmful stereotypes. By acknowledging that masculinity encompasses a variety of traits, we can create a more tolerant and inclusive culture that values the unique qualities of every individual. Let's go past constrictive notions and adopt a broader understanding of what it means to be a man that values inner qualities, personal growth, and respect for others while also respecting all gender presentations. With or without body hair, keep gleaming!

Author: Sakshi Mathur

Facts checked by: Puneet Kapani

Edited by: Puneet Kapani

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