Your mental health and wellbeing is not something that happens overnight. It takes time, effort and a habit to become a mentally strong and positive person. But obviously there are days where you do not feel the best and might even feel really under the weather. You might even want to skip your responsibilities and sleep the whole day. But as we all know that is not the best or Utopian solution. For such days, you might need a sudden burst of energy and motivation to get you back on track for the rest of the day. Let us reboot your mental health!
Even though mental wellbeing cannot be achieved in a day. There are quick ways by which you can reboot your mental health if you are feeling down at the moment. Let us see what are the different ways to give you that quick surge of positivity!
Motivational videos

Sitting down to watch some motivational videos or hear some inspirational speeches is a great way to get your head back in the game. Hearing powerful and awesome speeches are an instant dopamine hit to our brain. It provides us with an adrenaline rush and gives us the boost that we need for the day to keep on moving forward.

Exercising helps your mind to clear out any sort of distraction, negativity or stress that you might be having on your mind. It gives you an instant boost to your body and kills off the lethargy that you might be experiencing on your off days. This helps the blood to flow making your body parts more active and awaken your mind to take on tasks for the day. It is an instant way to reboot your mental health and also good for the long term.
Talking to a loved one

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, someone to listen to or somebody to just rant. Time when you’re feeling low is the best time to talk to people closest to you. They are the people that understand you and are there to listen to you. A good little rant and a possible motivating attitude from your loved one will instantly reboot your mental health from a four to a nine.
It also sometimes allows a subjective view of things and gives you clarity on what you should also be doing in terms of goals and plans.
Closing your eyes and visualising your dreams and goals
This tip is the exact opposite to the previous one. Sometimes instead of talking, it is better to shut yourself down. You need to get some peace and quiet, just a few minutes. Thinking about your goals, your ambitions, or even what you look forward to at the end of the day can help you to reanalyse the situation at hand and work towards the reward that you look forward to. Your goals and ambitions are what makes you push through everyday in the end.
Having a proper healthy meal

Sometimes having that proper nutrition filled diet is an instant way to reboot your mental health if you are down. A healthy meal with protein and minerals is enough to make you feel energetic and rebooted for the rest of the day. Remember that having a healthy meal means you need to have less carbohydrates or the opposite might happen where you instead feel more sleepy and lazy.
Jamming alone to your favourite music

Take a short break from the rest of the world and put on your earphones or headphones, whatever you own. Play some of your favourite tracks and just jam to it. Get lost to the beauty of what music brings. Jamming helps bring energy to your body and makes your mind active. It is an instant boost to your mental health. It gives you the energy and attitude you need to survive the whole day.
Accepting that this is normal
Even beyond all these tips you have to remember that what you are feeling is normal and can happen to anybody at any time. It is nothing to be ashamed of or to deny and get anxious and irritated over. Like any other person you’re just having an off day. Acceptance is key and the first step towards improving your mental health for the day. All the other steps will not be possible if you do not accept the problem in the first place.
Bonus tip: laugh a little

Watching stand up comedy videos, going through past pictures or even just having a joke moment with your colleague or a close. These are all ways to instantly reboot your mental health. The act of laughing is what you do when you find something funny a.k.a something positive. Anything positive after all is a boost to your mental health. So do not forget to laugh a little when you’re down and also laugh at least everyday to keep your mental state positive and balanced.
Your mental health is your priority and no one else. No one will be bale to understand if you’re being lazy or just having a bad day, so its upto you to take care of yourself. All the given tips are just ways to boost your mental well being temporarily. But you must always remember that mental strength is a slow and gradual process. So remember to take your mental health off day if you feel like you are at the lowest point of your life at that moment. Get back up the next day with a new will and passion!