Women are now more equal than men in terms of pay, employment opportunities, and achievement in general. It’s difficult to believe that there was a period when women couldn’t vote, let alone work in a field that was predominantly male. In the past, women were expected to care for their home and children while staying at home rather than pursuing any kind of work or money. Nowadays, women are the ones taking care of their families and advancing to important positions. In any case, equality is no longer just a demand from women. In recent years, more and more fathers are requesting full child custody. In reality, a Pew Research study from 2012 revealed that there were 2 million stay-at-home dads in the country. It’s fascinating to note that there are now almost twice as many stay-at-home dads as there were in 1989. It is not improbable that more men are requesting full custody of their kids now that more fathers are giving up their careers to be at home with their kids.
During a child custody dispute, many parents believe that the legal system is treating them unfairly. Fathers frequently feel that they are not being treated equally by the legal system, especially fathers of small children. Despite gender-neutral child custody rules, social science research reveals that there is still a predisposition toward women in child custody disputes based on gender stereotypes. Fathers still have a hard time getting custody of their kids because people still think that mothers are better at caring for their kids because of their gender and the process of giving birth.
The myth that mothers spend more time with their children is one of the difficulties a father encounters. Despite the rarity of stay-at-home mothers nowadays, most families divide child care duties so that one parent’s work schedule allows the other to be more accessible to the child. Both parents will have to change their schedules after a breakup to make room for more and different types of time at home with the kids. A second issue that dads deal with is the stereotype that says dads lack the knowledge, expertise, and experience necessary to parent their kids effectively.
By pledging to be present for a child at performances and school events and spending quality time with kids, fathers may combat these misconceptions. Fathers can educate themselves with parenting manuals and books, as well as sign up for and take parenting programs, to dispel the myth that “dads can’t do it” and guarantee that they are able to present themselves in the best possible light before the court.

Advice for Fathers Contesting Custody
It can be difficult for fathers to obtain complete custody of their children because it is assumed that children belong with their mothers. Even if this could be the case occasionally, a child can gain a lot from having a supportive father figure. Living with a father might even be preferable in some situations, depending on the specifics. Typically, courts consider the child’s best interests when deciding who should be granted complete custody. Thus, a father who thinks it would be better for his child to stay with him as opposed to the mother can use the following advice to their advantage in a custody dispute:
It’s crucial to sit down and discuss your child’s preferences with them if they are old enough to understand who they would prefer to live with. Sometimes, if the other parent has a living arrangement that is undesirable for children, it may not matter who they would want to live with. But when the two living arrangements are comparable, judges frequently favour the child’s preference.
Participate in every aspect of your child’s life: Attend doctor’s appointments, school conferences, and other crucial events involving your child even if you don’t currently have sole custody. Keep records and invoices to demonstrate your level of involvement and the associated financial costs.

Employ a knowledgeable family law attorney: During a custody dispute, a lawyer with experience in family law may be your only hope. They can give you information on your rights and the most recent guidance on how to handle your case. It may come down to the judge in the case or assembling enough evidence to support your position in some cases. An experienced child custody lawyer can really help your case.

Bottom Line
Child custody is currently assigned to women by default, and of course there is a valid reason for this. But with time, the sentiments of men have begun to change, and they too want equal custody of their children in the event of a divorce. In the future, there will definitely be a change, especially with the help of men’s rights activism.