Bedtime is when a man needs his beauty sleep so that he can wake up for a brand new day. He needs to relax and unwind. While most men are able to sleep like a baby during night time, there are many who struggle with night fall which causes embarrassment to them. However, what is night fall that these men are going through? Let’s have a look below.
You and your body deserve a good night’s sleep after a hard day of work. While some of you don’t even blink twice before going to bed, many men are scared of going to sleep due to the experience of night fall or wet dreams. A wet dream in men refers to ejaculating during sleeping which is not in their control. It is known to be quite common among young men after puberty. However, most men are sexually unaware about night fall and consider it a disease.
It can be embarrassing as well as startling for men if they are experiencing night fall. The truth is that night fall is a natural process. For *male teens, the mean frequency of night fall is approximately 0.36 times per week, while for 40 year old men the mean frequency is 0.18 times per week. As not all men are aware about night fall, we decided to discuss it. Have a look below:
What is Night Fall?

Night fall, scientifically known as nocturnal emission, and informally known as a wet dream or a sex dream, is when a man ejaculates spontaneously during his sleep. A man can either keep on sleeping after experiencing a wet dream or wake up immediately. It depends on person to person. The most common period of night fall is during the teenage years for a man, however, it can take place at any age after hitting puberty.
But why does it happen?
When there is an excess of sperm in a man’s body that it cannot hold, it releases the sperm. It can also be considered the body’s response to overstimulation. The frequency of night fall varies from person to person. Although it can be embarrassing for men to talk about, it is harmless for them.

Once boys hit puberty they go through hormonal changes and their testicles start producing sperm. As their sex hormones start bursting, they start having sensual dreams which can often cause wet dreams. Some of the other reasons for wet dreams can be:
Sexual inactivity can be a major cause of wet dreams.
Weakness of the genital nerves may be caused due to long standing medical problems. It may cause inadequate ejaculation during an orgasm following sexual stimulation. The stored up semen may come out as night fall.
Unintended stimulation of the male genitals due to rubbing against bed sheets may lead to an erection as well as ejaculation during sleep.
Excessive exposure to pornographic content.
Weak perineal muscles may cause wet dreams.
A full urinary bladder during sleep may also stimulate ejaculation.
Congestion of the prostate gland can also trigger night fall.
Some drugs taken by you may lead to nocturnal emission.
Sex hormone supplements, though sound helpful, may cause frequent wet dreams in men.
Myths Around Night Fall

Due to the lack of sex education, many myths have surrounded this normal condition of wet dreams. Some of the popular ones are:
Wet dreams may lead to erection problems.
It is a rare condition.
It can be caused by perversion as well as regular masturbation.
Wet dreams can make a man sexually weak.
If you believe even one of these myths, you need to understand that none of them are true. However, if it is accompanied by other sexual health issues, do check with your doctor regarding the same.
It is natural for a man to worry when he is dealing with wet dreams. Sex is considered a taboo in our society and hence brings confusion regarding the natural body processes, putting men to be embarrassed about it. However, there is nothing to be ashamed of as you have done nothing wrong. There are natural remedies that can be taken, if it happens frequently to you. If the natural remedies do not work for you then you better give your doctor a call.
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