In the present times, where we often indulge in silly fights on the internet or in our daily lives, we have embraced a bunch of terms that showcase our anger. However, in the past golden era of language, vivid terms existed that brought about greater imagination in us; besides, they are irreplaceable and hence can be a great comeback to fill the gap in the insult vocabulary. So, Best For Him brings you a list of old-timey insults that will allow you to explore the beauty of the earlier and middle eras of the English language.
Top 80 Old-Timey Insults from the ArchivesÂ
This list of 80 old-timey insults is all you need to bring the historic words back to your vocabulary and use them in a sassy manner.
1. Jobbernowl
The first on the list of old-timey insults is Jobbernowl. It essentially means a stupid person who talks a lot. You could add this word to your vocabulary as an old-time insult when you come across a man who speaks nonsensically.
2. Doddypoll
The word took its place in the 15th century. It is derived from a combo of two words: doty, meaning fool, and poll, meaning head. Here, you have it—a fancy word to replace the usual word fool.
3. Snollygoster
The word represents a shrewd person. Although it can be used in a general conversation, it has been particularly popular on political issues.
4. Pillock
It is a 20th century term that refers to a stupid person. Maybe an old-fashioned pillock would be a good replacement for the rugged-up stupid in your daily English insults.
5. Scobberlotcher
How often do you find people dozing off at their desks, escaping their work? The term scobberlotcher truly represents such idle persons who prefer to be lazy than to get their work done.
6. Fustilarian
It points out the opposite of being utilitarian, wherein a stubborn person is fixed to waste time on unnecessary aspects.
7. Spoony
Spoony is used for a foolish person or a couple, especially silly in love.
8. Gnashgab
Ever had those silly round-table conferences where one of your fellows couldn't stop complaining? Gnashgab is the word you could label him as in old-time English.
9. Stingbum
It is a 17th-century slang term that refers to a stingy and mean person.
10. Prat
If you define someone as a prat, it means he is incompetent and fails to do the basics of the tasks.
11. Cockalorum
We are sure you often come across people who are full of themselves and self-boasts. You can surely call them cockalorum.
12. Buffoon
Another word on the old-timey insults list is buffoon, which means a clueless and ridiculous person whose behaviour makes other people laugh. A perfect substitute for the clown of the group.
13. Roiderbanks
The term refers to a man who lives beyond his means, spending a lot more than his financial capacity.
14. Coxcomb
A conceited man who believes he is above everyone and takes pride in everything.Â
15. Rattlecap
A person with volatile feelings who cannot stick to his decisions and is very steady in nature.
16. Drawlatch
The term drawlatch has two definitive meanings. One refers to a person who lags behind and causes all the people to lag behind too. And the other way you can use this term is to refer to a houseguest who stays way more than he is welcomed for.Â
17. Tutilliver
It essentially means a gossiper who collects all the lies and spreads them with malicious intentions. It originates from the name of a demon from the mediaeval Christian period.
18. Bobolyn
In the Tudor era, the poet John Skelton used the term to represent a stupid person.
19. Bottle-conjuror
The term stands for a torchbearer of human gullibility. The word finds its origin in an 18th-century episode of English men who explored the uncontrolled curiosity of men.
20. Chatterbox
If you call someone a chatterbox, it means they indulge in a lot of idle talk. So, next time you find that person who keeps having endless talk, you can call him a chatterbox.
21. Fop
The term was first used in 17th-century English to represent a foolish person's behaviour as well as a man who is overly concerned about his attire and appearance.Â
22. Dunderhead
This Dutch-origin term translates to a numb head. It can essentially be used as a replacement for the words stupid or fool.
23. Gentleman of four outs
A gentleman refers to a courteous person. However, when a non-chivalrous man comes up and tells you he is a gentleman, you can sarcastically call him a gentleman of four outs. It means a gentleman without the four pillars: manners, wit, money, and credit.
24. Gobermouch
It is an Irish term. If you ever had a nosy neighbour or a co-worker, then you have already met a gobermouch. They end up asking you an endless list of personal questions and are always interested in other people's business.Â
25. Greedy guts
As the name suggests, a greedy gut is a person who likes to get hold of everything out of his own greed.Â
26. Nincompoop
Another silly and fun word from the 16th century to replace the word stupid.
27. Rascal
It refers to a mischievous and dishonest person. However, the word is also used in a fun and unserious manner.
28. Ruffian
This word of Italian origin stands for troublemakers. It can also be used for bullies and others who bring trouble to everyone.
29. Scoundrel
Scoundrel refers to an unhonorable man with no morals or manners.Â
30. White-livered
If you call someone white-livered, it means he lacks courage and behaves with a cowardly attitude.
31. Grubbers
It refers to a greedy person who grabs others's credit or anything, especially in an ill-manner.
32. Wrinkler
A person who lies a lot and is hence prone to such actions.
33. Cumberworld
A person who is so useless that he can be considered a burden to the world.
34. Abydocomist
The word originates from the historic town of Abydos, which had excellent tale-tellers. Abydocomists refer to people who tell lies and are proud of their behaviour.
35. Go-Alonger
A person who doesn't really follow a mind of his own. And is easily persuaded by others for their own benefits and often ridiculed for their easy get-together nature.
36. Raggabrush
A person who is highly disorganised.
37. Snoutband
Ever been interrupted in your conversations in a silly manner? You can call the interrupter a snoutband, as it means a person who keeps sticking his nose in others' conversations.
38. Sorner
A person who imposes himself on others for benefits. If you ever had someone relying completely on you for forced hospitality, you can consider him a sorner.
39. Stymphalist
The word originates in the late 16th century and refers to a bad or unpleasantly smelly person.
40. Loiter-sack
If you refer to someone as a loiter-sack, it means they are good for nothing and slack around on their beds, wasting time.
41. Zoilist
If you come across a person who keeps judging and finding faults in all your works, then he is a typical zoilist.Â
42. Chuffer
A chuffer is essentially a clown who bluffs around with heavy words but does no work. In other words, you can also use it as a replacement for the word imposter.
43. Git
Git refers to a foolish and worthless person and can be placed in the same group as nincompoop.
44. Whiffle-Whaffle
A person who fails to make the choices and is highly confused thus ends up wasting time.
45. Zounderkite
If you want to call someone an idiot in the Victorian style, then you can call him a zounderkite.
46. Drate-Poke
A person who speaks very clearly and indistinctly.
47. Smellfungus
In the early 19th century, smellfungus was used as an old-timey insult to refer to a faultfinder. Basically, a person who keeps sniffing for faults in other people.
48. Mumpsimus
A person who sticks to his faults or errors. With the shifting times, if the errors are exposed, a mumpsimus sticks to his errors and defends them rather than correcting himself.
49. Milksop
A milksop is a man who lacks guts or courage and backs off cowardly in times of need.
50. Hobbledehoy
It is an informal term referring to a clumsy fellow.
51. Shag-bag
It refers to a poor sneaking fellow.
52. Shabbaroon
It refers to an ill-dressed, shabby, and a mean person.
53. Blatherskite
A person who talks foolishly without much thought at great lengths.
54. Gigglemug
A person who has a constant smiling or laughing face, usually a foolish laugh.
55. Lollygag
A person who spends his time aimlessly and idly.
56. Whippersnapper
It is an old-fashioned insult that refers to an inexperienced person who lacks the skill but is rather overconfident in themselves.
57. Rake
If you refer to someone as a rake, it means he indulges in immoral activities and leads a reckless and dissoluted life.
58. Flibbertigibbet
A person who talks excessively but without any right knowledge. Also, it can be referred to as a silly person who gossips a lot.
59. Lubberwort
The word originates from a plant that caused laziness in its consumption. So, when you call someone a lubberwort, it means he is extremely lazy.
60. Sillytonian
It is the 17th-century version of calling someone silly or gullible.
61. Stinkard
A stinkard has been used in two ways. One of its meanings stands for stinking or smelly, whereas the other meaning is a mean individual.
62. Poltroon
It refers to a spineless individual who runs away from problems rather than facing them head-on. This term is often used to describe timid and courageless people.
63. Scapegrace
The term refers to reckless individuals who usually end up in trouble due to their incompetent behaviour. They make wild decisions without much thought of the consequences.
64. Snicklefritz
It refers to a mischievous and annoying person. However, the term has been used in a humorous manner.
65. Smeech
The slang term smeech is an old-timey insult that refers to a deceitful or dishonest person.
66. Slugabed
The term refers to a person who is very lazy and restricts his time to bed all day.
67. Quisby
is an old English term that translates as a worthless or insignificant person.Â
68. Churlish
The term refers to rude or unfriendly behaviour. If you find someone arguing beyond logic and in an ill-manner, you can describe it as churlish.
69. Lout
The term is usually used to describe an aggressive man who may end up in arguments.
70. Chickenhearted
It refers to a cowardly person or someone who is easily frightened.Â
71. Byspelt
A man who acts against the usual set rules and ends up behaving in an uncouth manner.
72. Canker blossom
The word has been documented since the 1600s and is a blend of canker meaning ‘to rot' and blossom representing the flowers. Essentially, it refers to the individual who ends up destroying the good stuff.
73. Knave
A person who lacks morals and behaves in a dishonest manner.
74. Whelp
A man with less experience and often regarded as having low worth.
75. Miscreant
A person who behaves unlawfully in an illegal manner.
76. Lickspittle
One may have come across people who love to find their way out through work with flattery; such a person who prefers to win favours through flattery rather than their skills is called a lickspittle.
77. Smell-feast
Ever had someone knock on your door when you have delicious dishes and they try to join in as an uninvited guest with rude manners? Such uninvited guests are referred to as smell- feasts.
78. Afternoon farmer
Essentially, the term refers to a man who is lazy and skips all of his opportunities due to his behaviour. It refers to the phrase a farmer who wakes up in the afternoon loses all of his yield benefits.
79. Cad
A mean person who tries to bring out information or anything from others using the wrong methods.
80. Curmudgeon
The last term on the list of favourite old-timey insults refers to a man with a bad and bossy temper.
Old-timey Insults can be a great way to represent your feelings in the best manner. Whether it is the anger out of rudeness or the laziness, old-time vocabulary is more versatile than the current time and has a term for all your feelings.Â
With these 80 terms on the list of old-timey insults, one can begin to explore the language beyond the time barrier and express oneself perfectly. The list covers all the ages from earlier to middle English, including the times of prolific writers such as Shakespeare. We hope you like our collection of old-timey insults and put them to use in your daily life.